Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Hi, Grandma:

Happy Birthday! Even though we're far apart, I think about you every day. You have always been my strength and support, and you still are! I hope you have a great birthday.


A cool picture of Grandma, around 1948.

With Grandma at an Irish dance show. (I was 5!), 2000.

With my Billy "Grandma" and my real one! at my debut performance, 2007.


Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday to you Trent! And a very Happy Birthday to Grandma ((((Hugs)))to both of you. Love, Dorothy

Nu said...

It's My Great Aunty Ann :D I Saw Your Show On Saturday Trent Was Really Good :D

SophiiBaybee-x said...

Ahh... so sweet.

Sophii (i am now going through all your blogs, reading them and commenting on them if i haven't done so already) x