Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Glad to Be Home

I'm back in NY after my last show in London on the 7th.

I haven't even unpacked a bag yet, but I wanted to let everyone know that I went through all the questions you asked and have narrowed it down to 4!! (I didn't expect so many!!)

Anyway, not only am I going to answer them here on the blog, but I'll post them in cool way. (You'll see.) Also, since the questions were all really good, I'll be answering another 10 over the summer. . .so check back to see how far I've gotten.

I also have another VERY cool thing I should be posting this weekend. I hope you'll get a laugh out of it. (It's pretty funny!!)

More (very) soon. . .



S.J.Elliot said...

Are you going to answer the questions while showing off you diabolo skills?
Only kidding.
Hope you had a great last show.

sleepylins said...


andy said...

Hi Trent,
Hope you had a good flight home and didn't spend ALL the time reading the questions??
Now you're back home you'll be able to eat all the Reeses you want!!
Can't wait for the cool things you'v got lined up for us???

Anonymous said...

it's good your back home, do you have to train as hard as the others? cos well your already a billy. I know wrong place but meh~

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I never saw you again :(
I missed reading your blog in the time i was away in Germany but now i'm back and ready to read the answers to your questions (yeah...sorry about me writing so many).
Hope your flight was good and you're not too jet lagged!
Sophii x

Unknown said...

Hello, Trent,
For your last show in London, I gave your mom a SNIFFLY KIT (a pocket pack of tissues with a special label one of the forum members devised.) If she still has it (and can find it) would you please show it in a photo or video you are doing for the blog? The person who came up with the kit couldn't be there on 31 May and would love to see a Billy holding his creation.