Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas (Maggie Thatcher)

Happy holiday everybody!

I got some really cool stuff for Christmas, and finally mastered solving the Rubik's cube. (Check out the pictures.) It makes the scene where I bring some "stuff" to create a dance for the audition even funnier now!

I did the show on Christmas night, and had 80 family and friends in the audience! It was amazing! (I may have some photos to share soon.)

Hope you all had a great holiday, too. I have a show tonight, so gotta run!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On my time off...

A lot of people write in to ask what I do in my free time when I'm not on stage or rehearsing. Well, here's the answer . . .

I play Rock Band 2! (I'm totally obsessed and can't wait to get it!!)

Billy Elliot's Trent Kowalik playing Rock Band 2 in New York City
. . .And hang out with Mary Poppins!

Broadway's Mary Poppins (Scarlett Strallen) and Billy Elliot (Trent Kowalik)
This is my friend Scarlett who plays Mary Poppins on Broadway. (She wears a wig as Mary!) You might remember her from this old post.


Anyone spot me?

I'm taking over New York City!! Kinda.

Apparently I was projected onto a huge screen in the middle of Times Square yesterday at 5:55 pm! Check it out:

You can do it too. Find out how to be Time magazine's "Person of the Year" here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Congrats to Layton

Layton Williams, my old roommate and friend from the Billy House in London, just had his final performance in BETM in England.

Here's a cool shot from the curtain call I found:

Layton Williams as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical
But . . . it looks like Layton won't be away from the stage for very long. Rumor has it that he'll be in Thriller Live as young Michael Jackson.

How awesome is that?! One more excuse to visit the UK . . . when I have the time!! Congrats!!
