Monday, February 4, 2008

A Day In the Life of Me

Here's a walk through of a day in England as a Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical:

HOUSE - I get up at around 7:45, make my bed, get dressed, then take any dirty clothes down to the wash. I bring up my clean clothes. Then I put my things for the day in the hall, right near the door.

At around 8am, I make my dinner or "tea." (Whatever you want to call it!) Then all of us eat breakfast, brush our teeth, then go to the car.

CAR - Listen to my iPod and wait to get to school.

SCHOOL - 3 hours of school, then lunch or "dinner" (again, whatever you want to call it!)

To be continued...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date it sounds like you're having a fab time in London doing Billy!

Anonymous said...

hey trent, its sean. nice, you've got ur own blog now :) are you going to be doing any of the shows in new york (broadway)?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read the rest, what type of songs do you have on your i pod?

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day, Trent.
You have gotten us up to lunch and then left us hanging.
Don't leave us in suspense too much longer, big fella.

SophiiBaybee-x said...

Its better than my day! Im at school for over 6hours!!!

Sophii x