Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brucie!

Trent was featured with his fellow Billys celebrating Bruce Forsyth's 80th birthday on the BBC.

Click to watch:

February 24th, 2008 | London, England
Clip © 2008, BBC


Anonymous said...

I actually missed this on TV, missed the timings and missed your part Trent!

But Thankyou for loading it up, you were absolutely brilliant along with the others!

Hope to see you again soon in action.


Anonymous said...

You were all brilliant. In fact, didn't you do well!

sleepylins said...

well done trent and to all the boys aswell,you were all great it was good fun.You all did a great job.look forward to seeing your performance at the end of this week.

pwincess.charli said...

I watched you on tv at you were fantastic!! You should have had a special mention as you have the sam birthday as bryce! Oh well :( Hope to come & see you in Billy Elliot! (again)! Hope you had a good b'day

Charli xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,
You Josh, Olly, Travis and Corey were all BRILL!!!It was nice to see you, to see you NICE!!! Give them all a big congratulations from me, and give one to yourself too!! Hope you had a great birthday!!

Anonymous said...

hi trent!
its carly! i miss you so much and you did great on that show with the dance! have fun in england! bye!

John said...

Thanks for posting the video and for setting up this blog. I live in Vermont and have seen the show several times, but have yet to see you perform live.

Your postings are great fun to read. I enjoyed learning about your day, classes, and rehearsal work outs.

Is there anything you miss from the United States that an audience member could bring to you?


John Canning

Reannee x said...

Heya Trent

Your Show On Saturday Was FAB!

I Liked The Bit Where You Were Dressing Up And The Flying Bits

Don't You Get Dizzy And Sick Because I Would Have Babeess

Love You x

Reanne x

Rach said...

You were all awesome!!


SophiiBaybee-x said...

I didnt see it but its great you uploaded it! I love your american accent, it so cute. Even though i have friends and family in america i don't know anyone your age (my cousins are all like 20 or 30 and one of my others is nearly 4) so its cool! Is it just me or was this dance in BETM?? I can't remember :P

Sophii x