Friday, February 22, 2008

The Big 1-3!

2/22 is Trent's 13th birthday!

Here's some other "2" moments of 1995:

Trent, 2 hours old, with dad

2 days old, with sisters Carine, Daria & Siobhan

2 weeks old


DeeBeeEff said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing those with us!

Billy Whiz said...

Great pics Trent. Who would have thought that little baby would grow into such a talented young man as you. Have a fantastic birthday

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, those pictures are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Trent!!!you're an amazing dancer...may all your wishes come true....lovely pics

Anonymous said...

Carly & I wish you a very Happy Birthday, we both miss you. WE hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy 13th Birthday Trent!!

pwincess.charli said...

Happy birthday trent! Have a good 1 ! Looking forward to seeing you on tv on sunday! Charlotte xx

Anonymous said...

How cute!

Hope you had a brilliant and very much spoiled birthday! :)


Morgan Adair said...

Happy Birthday(belated, that is). I missed you so much today as i was setting up for the inishfree feis...well i miss you all the time!
I am so proud of you and wish you the best of luck as well as the best BIG 1-3 EVER! Miss you my birthday buddy! Keep it goin'.
Miss you lots<3333
Morgan Murray=]

SophiiBaybee-x said...

Those pics rock!!! Hope you had a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Soo Cute !!

Anonymous said...

Okay well yeah. I kinda have exactly the same birthday as you. I was born on the same day.
First I saw you were thirteen and i was like kool but then i saw the dat and i was like wow.
Haha I was born at 8:29 is that the same too.