Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hi! Since I've been rehearsing all my flying recently, I thought I'd answer all the flying questions I could find:

After spinning to the ceiling in Swan lake does it effect your balance at all. How long did it take you to master the fear of spinning so far off the ground, or are you not afraid of heights at all?

May 28, 2008 11:17 PM

After spinning in "Swan Lake," it can make you dizzy and affect your balance. I found if i hit my heels to the floor when I came down, it grounded me.

While practicing Swan Lake have you ever got stuck on the harness?

June 3, 2008 8:27 AM

One time I did get stuck up at the top and they had to close the curtain! It took a few minutes to get me down so they could reopen the curtain :)

do you ever get dizzy after you spin in your dances?

when we saw you in billy elliot, I was amazed at how you could spin (and go up on the rope thing) and then stop without stumbling over!

how do you do it!?

June 3, 2008 3:24 PM

Spinning in on-ground dance does not make me dizzy. As for flying, find out how we Billys do it in Layton's video! (You can spot me in the background.)



John said...

Hey Trent - THANK YOU for the super informative post as well as the link to the video about flying. You guys do so much work each week... now I have a much better understanding of why the show is so fantastic each time I see it.

Thank you for the great post and for taking the time to answer so many of our questions!