Monday, January 28, 2008

Q&A with Trent

Trent answered some of your questions posted here on the blog. See if he chose yours, and leave a comment or question for next time!

Q. Have you read the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer? What other books do you read or are your favorites?

A. No, but I love the Harry Potter books and The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night Time.
Oh yeah, and I want to read The Dangerous Days of Daniel X. Looks really good. (My cousin's sending it to me. Yeah!)

Q. Will the other Billys be blogging with you? You could invite other cast members to do guest blogs on your site? Fans really enjoy your website!

Not sure yet, but unfortunately I don’t think so. Thanks!

Q. What's the food like over there? And do you find yourself speaking in an English accent even when you're not on stage?

A. At first I didn’t like the food, but I eat most of it now. Sometimes for fun I speak in a Geordie accent. I basically have the same accent except when I ask certain questions, they sound totally different!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Blog Post!

Hi everyone!! Thanks for visiting my site!! I think it's so cool that I can keep you posted on what I'm up to.

Well, I finally am getting my barani off the piano in the show really good! (A barani is a no handed round-off, a round-off's like a cartweel.) My Angry Dance is my favorite dance in the show right now. (I'm like, totally red in the face after it, though!!)

My acro teacher made me do over a hundred situps (not just normal ones) and lots of push-ups while my feet were on his back. Then, 3 sets of holding handstands on a wall. Ow!!

I usually would play on my PSP when I'm bored, but I'm addicted to this series of books called THE DEMONATA by Darren Shan. Sam (other Billy) reads them all the time and Travis used to (past Billy). Shaun (AKA "Michael") reads them also.

More blogging soon!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Trent on HBO's Inside the NFL

Watch this clip of a little Trent teaching a couple of big NFL guys and host Bob Costas how to bust an Irish move on Inside the NFL:

HBO: Inside the NFL | November 2005

Video clip thanks to Brian Katzman.

Monday, January 7, 2008

We're official!

There's been some questions on the Billy message boards as to the authenticity of this site.

Fear not! This site is 100% legitimate and affiliated with Trent Kowalik.

And, here's an update: Trent will begin blogging here on and perhaps get around to some of your questions. Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Latest Trent snapshot.

December 17, 2007 | London, England

Billy Elliot fans: Do you have a picture with Trent you'd like to share?
Submit your Trent snapshots here and we'll add your photo on the site!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Trent rewind.

If you ever wanted to see slightly embarrassing pictures of Trent in tights (at age four)'s your chance.

Check out Trent's dance recital gallery through the years here.

Spot Trent.

Spot Trent in the video clip from the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) 60th Anniversary:

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Trent Kowalik - Biography (Billy Elliot)
Click to enlarge.

- From the Billy Elliot UK program