Monday, March 10, 2008

Stomp! and a New Billy

I went to see the show Stomp this weekend and loved it. The sounds all the actors created with the weirdest garbage cans, kitchen sinks, plastic bags, plungers...and made them into real "instruments" were amazing! And all the beats were so clear, you could hear every part. Everyone in that show was excellent. So cool!!

Also, we have a new Billy in the house...{drum roll}...Hogan Fulton! He arrives today and will meet everyone. (I already met him last summer in New York City, so we're friends already.) He's gonna be awesome as Billy, so I'm really glad he's coming to join us.

More soon...



DeeBeeEff said...

Hogan is very lucky to have a friendly face to welcome him. Americans taking over that house, or what? Hope you guys stay in the UK long enough for me to see you in October.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I have to admit I have really enjoyed all the interpretations of Billy that you Americans have given us so far (Colin, Corey & you - all brilliant!) and now we have Hogan - how lucky we are!

See you on Saturday evening Trent! I will be in B15!

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

hi trent! Sound's like you and every1 else have a great time in the house (i'm so jealous) wen i came 2 c billy elliot the musical (feb 14th) it has really enspired me! i hope i can find some auditions sum where!! you rock and hope 2 come and c you soon

luv charli [x]

p.s. do you have msn or do any of the other billys have msn?

SophiiBaybee-x said...

England is being invaded by amazing dancers and singers and actors!!! HELP!!! Haha! Nah... it's nice that everyone from around the world had the opportunity to participate in something as big as this!!

Sophii x