Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tune In: WOR Radio, "The Joan Hamburg Show"

On Wednesday, December 3rd at 10 am et, Trent Kowalik will be live on WOR Radio's "The Joan Hamburg Show" alongside his Billy grandmother, actress Carole Shelley.

Tune in to your radio, or listen live on the web at


Anonymous said...

Trent, I saw you in Newsday's Fanfare! You look great and I really look forward to seeing your documentary on the television!

Anonymous said...

Our family Alexus Argueta age 11 her mom, julie Argueta and Grandmother Helen Knob attended the Performance of Billy Elliot on Tuesday the 25th of November and we were all thrilled & joyful with the entertainment and talent of Trent. Alexus attended the Dorothy School of Dance the same time that Trent attended. We are from Wantagh and attend the same church as Trent. We have been followin his progress and wish him the best for future successes/

Anonymous said...

Trent, I saw your performance last week and all I can say is WOW! You were absolutely brilliant. You can act, sing, and dance. I hope and pray you continue using your gifts and talents to bring joy to others through dance, plays and perhaps even a movie! God bless you. I look forward to seeing it again!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are aware, but you were featured in the Elton John story in PEOPLE MAGAZINE!!!!!!! very exciting!!!!!!

Sean Patrick Brennan said...

I just listened to the podcast of the did amazing AS're just SO great at everything you do!!! And the PBS show too, awesome! I love hearing you say on both that you want to be an actor, because you really are an awesome actor (among other things) and I think you'd have a really successful career as an actor. You're continuing to make all of us Long Islanders very proud! =)