Thursday, October 9, 2008

Performance Tonight: 10/9

Catch Trent tonight as "Billy" at 8 pm!


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great first two shows Trent.

Anonymous said...

I saw you Thursday night, Trent. You were fantastic! I cried even though I'd seen the show before in London. Thank you for such a great evening!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Trent, we also watched the show last night and we couldn't believe are incredible!!! I was blown away, you were on stage for a full three hours and just kept giving us more and more...The entire show was truly magic, cast is wonderful, also loved your duet with David Bologna!


Anonymous said...

Trent! LOVED you in BE. Looking forward to seeing entries about what it's like to perform in front of a Broadway audience. Do you mind signing autographs at the end of a show?

Chloe said...

well, i havent seen you preform yet but I REALLY REALLY WANT TO!!!!
i KNOW you r amazing, though!!
and congratulations on being Billy! you deffinitly deserve it!!