Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trent Featured In Dance Magazine

Gwynne and Kowalik work on a choreographed boxing battle, in which Mrs. Wilkinson tries to trick Billy into dancing. “I think you’re tempting him,” Darling tells Gwynne. “You’re saying I don’t care if you join in, but I know you will.” The movements are simple, at times pedestrian. Darling has a childlike quality while he creates movement. When Kowalik attempts to play air guitar as part of the choreography, Darling jumps in to demonstrate. He shows Kowalik how to strum, how to play invisible frets, and how to look like a rock star while leaping across the stage and wailing on the imaginary instrument. When asked if he sees himself in Billy, Darling says, “No, but other people do.

Read the full article from Dance Magazine here, and, while you're there, why don't you enter to win tickets to see Billy Elliot the Musical on Broadway?


Anonymous said...

OMG, I am in like so in love with you!
I saw Billy Elliot with David a few weeks ago and thought he was really good. Then like two weeks ago I saw Kiril and had a mad crush on him - what a hottie! Then I saw you yesterday - Now I found the true love of my life - you were amazing, awesome, and had me like sooooo into the show. I live in NY and am always seeing shows - Billy Elliot being my new FAV of course.
I Love you sooooo much xoxo Sabrina

Anonymous said...

Whoops, it wasn't yesterday. Duhhhhh, It was Wednesday. I guess it was all of my dreaming of you.
xoxo Sabrina