Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Will He Pick Yours?

If you've ever wanted to ask Trent a question, now's your chance! Trent will be selecting his favorite questions and answering them here on the blog. Let's get started!


  1. Think of a cool question.
  2. Post it as a comment here.
  3. Repeatedly tap foot. Eat a bowl of Reese's Puffs.
  4. Wait and see if yours got picked!

He will be picking four of the best questions submitted, so make sure it's a good one!

Check back next week when we reveal the best of the best...and the answers!

Monday, May 26, 2008

As promised ...

Here's some pics of me & David dancing in 2005 (Nashville, TN):

David Bologna & Trent Kowalik at the 2005 North American Irish Dance ChampionshipsDavid Bologna at the 2005 North American Irish Dance ChampionshipsDavid Bologna & Trent Kowalik at the 2005 North American Irish Dance ChampionshipsTrent Kowalik at the 2005 North American Irish Dance Championships

Cool news

A quick update on some cool things ...

Just spoke to my dad. He works in New York City and says that he can tell work is going on inside the Imperial Theatre (future home of BETM). Apparently they're tearing the stage apart to make room for all the sets, like Billy's bedroom. (If you've seen the show, you know what I'm talking about!!)

Second cool thing is I just learned that my friend David who was also an Inishfree step dancer was cast as Michael on Broadway!! (Small world ...right?!)

My mom says she has some pictures of us dancing in the 2005 North American Nationals. If they're not too embarrassing (you know how moms with cameras can be!!), I'll post some later.



Friday, May 23, 2008

Dangerous Diabolo

Hey everyone!!

Haven't written in awhile so here's what's new ...

Reason why I've been so busy is I've been in workshops (rehearsals), so don't worry. Also ...I heard that people were wondering what was wrong with my wrist and if that had anything to do with it?

Ends up I did kinda hurt myself, but it's totally fine now. I think it's from stupidly walking into a piece of furniture, but my mom swears it's from diabolo overload. (She MAY be right. I am OBSESSED!!)

Anyway ...also wanted to let you all know that Hogan's first show as Billy was awesome. He kicked butt on his opening night. Here's a picture of us hanging out that my parents took:

Trent Kowalik & Hogan Fulton in London, England
I feel really short now.

More soon ...diabolo awaits!!


Monday, May 19, 2008


Hi!! So I'm obsessed with this game called Diabolo. It's my favorite thing EVER...and I've been practicing with it all day. I've been using this instruction booklet to learn all my new moves:


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lost & Found

Hi again!

Lots of stuff going on this week....

I got my iPod back. Lost my phone. (My mom wasn't too happy about that!!) Found my phone.

Now Kiril and David are here in London! I'm glad they're here with all the British Billys!

Hopefully I can get some of the pictures from our performance together after the 3rd anniversary show! I'll post them if I do.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Please Don't Stop the Music!!

Hey everyone!!

The Billys went shopping at the (fabulous) Wembley Market and all got some really good stuff for really good prices. I wish they had something like this all year.

I bought headphones for my iPod...which (long story) I have not seen since it got left behind (accidentally) in New York when I was home and is (I think???) lost in the mail somewhere in England last I heard from my mom.

Cross your fingers that we find each other soon. I need my music!!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back in London!!

My dance teacher (Dorothy) and her daughter (Carly) were already here when I arrived, which was pretty funny since I just saw them in New York the day before!! I'm really glad she finally got to see me in the show as Billy.

Here's some pics of us at the stage door and hanging out at Starbucks:

With Carly

Dorothy, Carly, and me...with a Vanilla Bean frappuccino!

By the way...thanks to everyone, but I am feeling much better now. I tried to get through a show the other day with a huge headache and the headache won!! Josh helped finish the show. Thanks to him too!
