Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lost & Found

Hi again!

Lots of stuff going on this week....

I got my iPod back. Lost my phone. (My mom wasn't too happy about that!!) Found my phone.

Now Kiril and David are here in London! I'm glad they're here with all the British Billys!

Hopefully I can get some of the pictures from our performance together after the 3rd anniversary show! I'll post them if I do.



SophiiBaybee-x said...

Nice to here you have your iPod back!!

Hope you are ok and glad to here your new billy's are in england, they been sightseeing at all??

Lots of love

Sophii x

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I said hear wrong (i put here). When i wrote that, i was at school! Haha! It would be so cool to see you all perform!

Anyway... it's nice to see that you found everything. I broke my iPod headphones but it's not quite the same as losing them (at least you got yours back, haha).


Lots of love

Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Glad your iPod turned up....but it sounds like you need to get a chain and attach your phone and iPod to you from now on :-p


Anonymous said...

I saw you in the third anniversary show last night and you were all amazing i was speechless i was stood up on my seat cheering well done :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent!
Thats great you got your ipod and phone back!
Anyway there are some cool pics from last night's performance here
thoguht you'd like 2 no!

Anonymous said...

heyy trent!

Happy that your ipods back? haha .. miss you so much! see you really soon!!


John said...

Yeah! on finding your iPod and phone! Thank you also for keeping us up-to-date. As for losing them in the first place, that's just part of being incredibly talented. Yo Yo Ma, a very famous and talented cellist, managed to forget his cello (which is worth millions of dollars) and left it in the back of a taxi cab. I know a number of equally famous violinists who can tell the same story about their violins, and one violist who managed to show up at a concert with his case but no instrument inside of it.

I hope that with all of those Yankees in London that you are teaching the rest of the members of the Billy house how to speak English properly...

JohnCougar said...

Trent: How long do you think the new American Billy's are going to be in London?