Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back in London!!

My dance teacher (Dorothy) and her daughter (Carly) were already here when I arrived, which was pretty funny since I just saw them in New York the day before!! I'm really glad she finally got to see me in the show as Billy.

Here's some pics of us at the stage door and hanging out at Starbucks:

With Carly

Dorothy, Carly, and me...with a Vanilla Bean frappuccino!

By the way...thanks to everyone, but I am feeling much better now. I tried to get through a show the other day with a huge headache and the headache won!! Josh helped finish the show. Thanks to him too!



SophiiBaybee-x said...

I'm guessing you were still a bit jet lagged then. When i went to USA i didnt sleep on the plane and our flight came in at 6.30 am--my parents made me stay up all day to get back into routine :(

It must be nice to see a friendly face so soon after you got back. Did they come or are they comng to see a show??

Hope everything has been ok since you've been 'home' (which do you call home? England or America) and post more soon because i love to read your posts.

Sophii x

PS. They were talking about this thing on Radio 1 a few weeks back about being obsessed with celebrities blogs, i guess im obsessed with yours :p

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I've just thought. I wrote the comment above but now i have thought of a question. Do you take your camera everywhere?? You always have amazing photos and i'd love to be able to take pictures but i never have my camera with me (admittedly i do have my phone but they're just random, not nice ones like yours). Another thing, did you take back any reeses, HAHA!! Anyway... hopefully you can answer my questions.

Sophii x