Friday, April 25, 2008

Broadway's Billys: Video

"Electricity" from Billy Elliot: The Musical
performed by Trent, David, & Kiril with Sir Elton John


DeeBeeEff said...

Nice to see this from a different angle than the "official" video. Thanks to Trent's sis for recording it and sharing it with us.
You guys looked great up there, Trent, and everyone I talked to really liked the ending.
Thanks for the update!

SophiiBaybee-x said...

Love it!! I remember when i went to see it you were standing there for a good 5 minutes while everyone was clapping. this song explains exactly how i feel when i dance and lee hall's words are amazing.

'I can't really explain it,
I haven't got the words,
it's a feeling that you can't control'

It's amazing because you really are free to do what ever you please (except when its choreographed :P)

I love the film, the music, the dances, the whole billy elliot experience is something everyone should be a part of!

I'm glad i have been. Saty on blogger and keep in touch once you've done your final show!!!

Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent!
I hope that you have a great time being Billy in NY!
I hope to see you perform oneday!
You are such a talented dancer,
Teza Dream

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I was just wondering if there are any TV programs that you are hooked on here in England and i have just remembered something. You know the song 'The Letter' and 'Billy's reply',, do the words help you put the emotion accross because when i came to see it my friend was hitting me and telling me to shut up cuz i was crying that much and the year 10s were laughing at me for crying but i thought it was sooooooo sad! I can't believe how a song can get you going like that (i was at the performance where the door in teh stage didn't shut properly at the end of act one). Also... which is your favourite song to perform from the musical? Another thing, when will you be back in England???

Hope you can reply!!

Sophii x

LotteBabyyX said...

Hey Trent,
I would just like to say that i think you're amazing anf my friend is obssesed with your accent LOL (even though shes never actually seen the show)well i love it to! I saw you in Bily in London the other day (April Wed 9th) and you were amazing, would love to see it again! Wish you werent leaving for America, when are you coming back to England? Hopefully soon!
Please Write Back X