Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trent featured in Irish Dance Magazine

Trent was featured in May's edition of Irish Dance Magazine!

Trent Irish Dance Magazine | Click to enlarge Trent Irish Dance Magazine | Click to enlarge
click pictures to enlarge


SophiiBaybee-x said...

Wow, that's so cool!!! Everytime i come on here i want to reach out for that reeses cup (so unfair). Your blog even distracted me from my homework (whoops). Congrats for this and getting billy on broadway but when is you rfinal performance in London (I have to come see you again)?

I think i have signed all your posts now :)

Love Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Nice article. I saw you as billy in january. I think some time from now, years, I will be proud to say that I saw you as a child performing, and even then you were a very very good performer.

Dont know how you do it, but you do it.

John said...

Great article, but they'll need to write a new one next month about your performing on Broadway come the fall. Thanks for sharing all this great news!

Are you back in England yet? How are things there?

Anonymous said...

Great Article Trent, Ive got a question for you. There has been a disscusion on the Billy Elliot forum ,Do you know how old the charactor Tony is? Anyway well done again on being cast on the orginal cast for the broadway version of Billy Elliot.


Anonymous said...

You were billiant last night (Tuesday 29/4/08), pity it was so short; could see you sweating though. Guess you picked something up on the 'plane. Hope you are in fine fettle now. Rest of the show and Mr Fedick were incredible too.

DeeBeeEff said...

Hope you are feeling better.