Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Me, blogging.

I love NY!


sleepylins said...

hi trent glad to hear you are having a great time off,must be nice to just relax and catch up with family and friends in your own time and in familiar surroundings,without being rushed off for various reasons to do with billy.Enjoy the rest and make the most of your time off,you deserve it,your a little star and i love your performances as billy i have seen you a few times now and you never disappoint,i am always glad to see your name on the board.
thanks for keeping everyone updated its always good to see what you are or have been up to.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics, Trent, but I have a question: what was in the bowl, cereal or ice cream?

John said...

Hey Trent - Thanks for the recent updates. It's great to see pictures of your friends from New York and to hear about your adventures in the taller city! I hope you get to spend a lot of time with your friends while home. And, if you decide to see a show, please tell us which one and what you thought about it. I would think you'd have a very different perspective of a show from the typical audience member.

I'm guessing that the bowl had both cereal and ice cream in it, right?

Thanks again for the great posts and photos!

Anonymous said...

Thnk you for the recent blog I really appriciate you blogging on your break!! Do you have an email X cHARLI XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent, I came to see the show a few weeks ago with my friend for my 13th. You were fabulous! Please keep us posted as I love the show.


Anonymous said...

Have a great time off but please, please help us BETM forum nuts solve the mystery of the contents of the bowl before the suggestions get out of hand!


SophiiBaybee-x said...

Hii,,Loving your blog. On march the 19th i came to watch billy elliot in the west end with school and YOU were in it!!! Me and all my friends thought you were cute!! Hope you and your family are well and urm... break a leg in future shows. i hope i can see you again soon (my mum wants to see it :P. Anyway... (say that a lot) ill check back soon (and if you have time, check out my blog,,no pressure though)!

Sophii x

Livi Dendle said...

Heyy Trentt im going to new york soon so its nice to no its good out there. Aree you having a break from Billy or.. because "Someone" told me you are doing the opening for the one in new york Good Luckk and ...Nice pics xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

do u find it weird when u see article s and other random stuff about urself
x x x x