Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Will He Pick Yours?

If you've ever wanted to ask Trent a question, now's your chance! Trent will be selecting his favorite questions and answering them here on the blog. Let's get started!


  1. Think of a cool question.
  2. Post it as a comment here.
  3. Repeatedly tap foot. Eat a bowl of Reese's Puffs.
  4. Wait and see if yours got picked!

He will be picking four of the best questions submitted, so make sure it's a good one!

Check back next week when we reveal the best of the best...and the answers!


Anonymous said...


After spinning to the ceiling in Swan lake does it effect your balance at all. How long did it take you to master the fear dof spinning so far off the ground, or are you not afraid of heights at all?


SophiiBaybee-x said...

Hi trent...
When you sing 'the letter' and 'the reply' do the words help you put emotion across and how do you keep the audience hanging on your every word- it's amazing!

Also...which is you favourite song to sing or your favourite dance to do in 'BETM'?

Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Has Billy Elliot changed anything for you?

Anonymous said...

FDear Trent,
Do you buy your Reese's puffs from cybercandy??
I love it there!

S.J.Elliot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S.J.Elliot said...

Thought i'd ask a funny question. Something random.

My question:
Are there any scary spiders under the stage while you wait in the bed? If so have you named them?

*Taps foot repeatedly*
*Hunts for reeses puffs but doesn't know where to find them :(*

Sara aka Hammy

Anonymous said...

What is your favourite song from Billy Elliot, What is your favourite scene and what is your favourite ballet move. Also what is your favourite tv show in the UK and the US?

Thanks Scott

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent...

What do you love most about performing Billy in London but what do you miss the most about New York?

Will performing Billy on Broadway be much different to performing Billy in London?

*Repeatedly taps foot*
*WOULD Eat a bowl of Reese's Puffs IF I HAD SOME*
*Waits and sees if mine got picked*

Louise x

Anonymous said...

What is your favourite style of dance? And what do you plan to do after performing in Broadway?


Anonymous said...

Hiya Trent,

When you come back to NY to do BETM on broadway will you be living at home or at a brand-spanking new Billy House? When you are at home in London, does someone make all the dinner (and I literally mean the dinner that comes after lunch!) and if yes, is there a menu like school lunch?

I am tapping my foot so hard I am going to put a hole in the floor!


Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,

What's Kiril and David A's favorite candies? You know, so we can be prepared! Or are you the only crazy peanut-butter-combined-with-chocolate-lover?

Anonymous said...

Are there actually words on the letter and the RBS letter??? If so, do you use them ?
Also, what's the funniest mishap in rehersals or on stage?

I would tap, but i cant find my tap shoes at the moment, probably behind all my billy stuff :P
And we don't have reece puffs here :I =[

*waits to see if theirs is picked :D *

Anonymous said...

Are there actually words on the letter and the RBS letter??? If so, do you use them ?
Also, what's the funniest mishap in rehersals or on stage?

I would tap, but i cant find my tap shoes at the moment, probably behind all my billy stuff :P
And we don't have reece puffs here :I =[

*waits to see if theirs is picked :D *

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I thought of something else;; are there any TV shows you are addcited to in britain that you'll miss when you go back to America?


Anonymous said...

Hi Trent...umm...ok...sooo....I cant think of any questions :-s

Ok I have one. What is the funniest or most embarresing thing that has happened to you while on stage?
I wont be offended if you dont pick mine, I will just have your Irishness taken away.......yup uh-huh I can have that done :P

Names for the Spiders lol, Hammy is mental, everyone knows spiders dont speak English, they speak Swahili.


Anonymous said...

ok emm firstly, "Hi i actually love you I think your amazing!" and secondly how long before the show do you know you will be acting in it? or is there like a timetable or rota?

Anonymous said...

What exactly do you do in the "workshops" for Broadway? Is it just rehearsals or are there a lot of changes being made to the show that you have to learn?


Anonymous said...

Hiya Trent

How did you choose your joke for Express Yourself and do you think you will change it for Broadway?


Anonymous said...

heyy trent!

miss you so much!!
i have a question that HOPEFULLY you'll pick to answer!

ummmm ..

What the most embarrassing thing that happened to either you or a friend on stage?

SophiiBaybee-x said...

Another one (sorry):
What has been your favourite bit about performing and living in London?
Also...what will you miss more; the great weather (jokes) or your fans (like me!).
And...When you are in NY will you still use the same accent or will you go back to using your original because my friend said that in Australia- they just use australian accents.
Love you loads and good luck...
Sophii x

Anonymous said...

What do you worry about most during the show? For example, I always worry that whoever is playing Billy won't get his shoes on in time to jump off the piano, i always tense up before Layton or Josh jump off the wall, and am constantly checking to make sure a lift is working when its supposed to. Does anything like that run through your head during the show?

Anonymous said...

Hiya Trent!

I was wondering what do you miss most from America while you are Billy in London, and what do you think you will miss from London when you go to broadway!

Good Luck for Broadway! :)


Anonymous said...

Heya Trent!! :)

I am so sad because you are going to broadway! I guess i wont get to see you in Billy anymore! :(

But good luck with all you shows, i hope they are all brilliant!

My Question: If you could change anything about BETM would you? It is the most awesome show,but have u ever wanted to change a dance move, or add something in or take it out??


Anonymous said...

How did you hear about the Billy Auditions and who inspired you to go, and what were the auditions like??

*Taps feet*
*Eats some Reeses Puffs*


briart said...

Hi Trent

Will you still keep all your UK fans informed of what you are doing when you go back to New York and open on Broadway

sleepylins said...

hiya trent,
is the buzz you get from the audience as strong as ever or do you sometimes(now and then) become abit used to it and it doesnt really affect you?

i am fascinated by the discipline and dedication of children of your age and in your position and especially in billy elliot,and the time and effort you put into your work,you must be very focused on what you want to do.

Anonymous said...


Who do you share a room with in the Billy house? And do any of your room-mates snore/sleep talk!

Also, can I come with you to Broadway? (i can always go in your suitcase!)



Anonymous said...

Hey! :)

What has been the funniest thing to happen to you or any of the other Billy's during the show or in the Billy House or on one of your times out and about?!


Anonymous said...

Do you shower before you leave the theater after a show? Or is your hair just sweaty?


Anonymous said...

Hello Hello,

Other than your friend David Bologna, do you know who else will be playing the role of Michael on Broadway? And also, is doing the Finale as much fun as it looks?

can't wait to see you on broadway!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent

Seeing as BETM is quite "political" with all those jokes and things....

Clinton or Obama?

{or are you not particularly interested in all that stuff?}


Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that you could stay in London any longer, so i can see you as Billy? Please, please, please?!?!

Good Luck 4 Broadway!! :)

Anonymous said...


Are youu doing anything special for your last west end show??


Anonymous said...


Are youu doing anything special for your last west end show??


Anonymous said...


How have you enjoyed your time living with all the other cast in the Billy House?

Does anyone hog the TV remote control..or the bathroom in the mornings? (My sister does both all the time!!)


Anonymous said...

My question for Trent:

What is your favourite type of dance??

Anonymous said...

I was wondering, Is there anything that you have always wanted to do but never done??


Anonymous said...

uhhhr hey u get really nervous when u first go on stage many times do u think u have made a mistake...did the audience notice......not saying that u have messed up...=P

*hurts foot by tapping it to much*

*begs parents for reeses cups!!!...they say noo:( *

*checks if i am chosen.....well that one was a bit pointless as i just posted the comment lol :)*

and randomely:
gd luck with ur next show

Anonymous said...

Trent: Is there any other West End/Broadway show that you would love to preform in?? x

Anonymous said...

sorry 4 this really random question but if you could change your name what would u change it 2?

Anonymous said...

If you had to choose one what would it be...dancing or diabalo??!?!

Anonymous said...

What is your favourite part of BETM??

Anonymous said...

???Is it difficult in the beggining of BETM to not dance aswell as you can, like in the class scenes when you are learning ballet???

Anonymous said...

Heyyy Trent!!
well-- my question is................

While on stage have you ever completely forgot a line or dance step? If yes, was it noticeable?

-Nicolee<33 =]

Anonymous said...


Which bits of the show or which characters are the closest to your real life experience of becoming Billy?

See ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,

I've always wanted to know how tight the space is when you crawl onto Billy's bed before the lift rises. I bet it's pretty close in there, am I right?


Anonymous said...

HI Trent,

What do you miss most about home when you are in London and when you go home to do the show what will you miss most about London.


Anonymous said...


What things are you most looking forward to doing in your time off between your final show in London and starting on Broadway?

OK ... anything other than perfecting your 'Around the Foot - Window Wipers' diabolo trick?


Anonymous said...

My question is: How long do you think you could do diablo without taking a break. Could you get in the World record book?

Anonymous said...


our question is ......

have you ever had an itchy belly button on stagee??


fromm .. your best friends<3

Anonymous said...

Hey Trent!

My Questions ------

What is the craziest thing you have done??

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I thought of another one- sorry ;]

Other than the accent you use when you play billy and your original accent, can you do any others? Like...have you picked up any that other cast members do or the london one?

Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Hey Trent,

This is a really wierd question but, what is on the duvet/blanket on Billy's bed?! Because it looked like snow-white! lol

Thank you so much for being such a great Billy and have fun in Broadway (I'm thinking a trip to America in October..!)


Anonymous said...

Trent: In alot of the pix of you you are wearing a yankees cap - at a very fassionable angle! Are you a baseball fan and whose yur favorite Yankees player?

Hey, and the stadium is like so close to the theater yull be able to see a daytime game before doing a show now! D

Anonymous said...

Do you get to choose what type of cookie they put in the tin each night? What's your favorite? Do they have different tins lined up in the props store with all the Billy's names on? Sam

Anonymous said...

hey Trent

When you move to Broadway when Billy Elliot opens there what do you think you are going to miss most and what are you looking forward to most in Broadway?!?!?!

Georgia xxx

andy said...

Trent Hi,
By the end of this year what do you think will be the 'coolest' moment of your life-your Irish dancing on stage,your first night as Billy in London,your first night as Billy in New York or something else????

Anonymous said...


Have you ever got the giggles on stage and had trouble to stop them?


Anonymous said...

Hi Trent!

This question is totally random but have you ever hiccuped, coughed,sneezed,burped or farted on stage :)?

Weslii and Bridot

Anonymous said...

do you know if the webkinz rhino is retiring?

Anonymous said...

do you have the webkinz pet of the month? It is the webkinz elephant.

Anonymous said...

do you know how to win wacky zingoz on webkinz? i do not.

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I have yet another question (this is the most posts ever).
Is there anything you haven't done in England that you want to do before you leave and will you come back as a holiday at some point or better- to perform again?
I have devised my plan of how to get to NY. I will hide in your suitcase. Or...i will get some money and buy a ticket (i'm sure the second option will be more likely though). Btw...just to let you know (as you are reading all the posts)...I have commented on them all. Your life is so much more exciting than mine but your life is the sort iwas to lead!
Sophii x ;]

Anonymous said...


Rather like that US president, have you ever said something embarasing off stage that was picked up by the microfone you wear that wasn't supposed to be heard?

andy said...

Do you or the other Billy and Michaels play practical jokes,and have any of you got a 'wicked'sense of humour??

andy said...

Who is the coolest person you have ever met?

andy said...

How often do you log onto BillyElliot the forum?
Do you think some of the comments are nuts,offensive,nosey?
Have you or the other Billy & Michaels ever left a comment on there(annonymously!!)???

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I'm really sorry...i swear this will be my last post.
What made you start up this blog? I started up mine because a friend had it and i got addicted (she doesn't use her blog anymore). Have you always known about blogger or did someone tell you about it or did you just stumble across it?
Sophii x

Lauren said...

Hi Trent,
Billy Elliot Was Absolutely Amazing. The Best show i have ever seen! It was So inspiring.

I have 3 questions you could choose from,

1. Did you find it hard putting on a jordy accent?

2. What did you enjoy most about being in the show?


3. How did you get to hear about the Billy Elliot auditions?

You Will definately have a great future.
Take Care Trent!

Anonymous said...

When you first saw Billy Elliot, the movie, did it inspire you to want to be Billy in the awesome musical?? Or was it something eles?? x

Anonymous said...

What type of mobile do you have at home and what ring tones have you got set up for ...special people :-)?


Anonymous said...

Hi Trent they ask all celebrities!

1) Peanut butter or jelly (or both)?
2) Guard, Forward or Centre?
3) Leftie or Rightie?
4) Geography or Math?
5) Pepsi or Coke?
6) Windows or Mac?
7) Boxers or Briefs?
8) Harry or Ron (…or Hagrid?)
9) Cat or Dog?
10) Paper or Plastic?

Jenna (again)

Anonymous said...

Hiya Trent

-Who do you get along with best in the Billy house?

-What are the worst/best things about living in England + what do you miss in America ((other than reeses =]))?

-What is it like i the Billy house + does everyone get on?

-Whos your best mate in Billy?

Chloe x

Anonymous said...

Ballet, tap, mordern, street, freestyle or irish???

Anonymous said...

Heya Trent....

Apart from Billy (obviously) what is your dream role in any musical ever made?

Do you wish to pursue a career in musical theatre as an adult? if not have you got anything else in mind?

What advise would you give to aspiring performers?

Are there any dancers that you particularly admire?

ok sorry for all the questions, i'll go & wait patiently now whilst hoping mine get picked !!!

CL x

Anonymous said...

umm..what the heck is a webkins?

Anonymous said...

webkins are the perfecto fun to all kids 5 and under. for kids OVER 5 its horrible.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
umm..what the heck is a webkins?

June 2, 2008 3:41 AM

Anonymous said...
webkins are the perfecto fun to all kids 5 and under. for kids OVER 5 its horrible.

June 2, 2008 4:06 AM

Anonymous said...

raisins or grapes?

DeeBeeEff said...

Well, since I am the one who asked "What's in the bowl?", my only other question is:
When you asked for questions did you ever think you would get this many responses?
Uncle Dave

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent
My question is a bit wierd but I ask everyone this!
What is the wierdest thing you've ever dreamed of?!!!
BTW David A emailed me and has said you're all going back to NYC in a week.
Hope you have a great last week in London then!

Anonymous said...


Can you tell us a very special moment in this whole Billy Elliot experience you think you will remember forever?

Anonymous said...

Hey Trent :)
How are you? (a good question isn´t it?)

Do you think you´re going to miss London?

When you are back in new york and doing Billy there, are you going to live at your home with your family then or at a house with the other Billys,the Micheals and the Debbies?

xXx änsi xXx

Anonymous said...

Hey Trent =)
This is me again, just wanted to ask if you have any pets and what are they called?

lol xxx änsi

Anonymous said...

hey trent

Who´s your favourite character in Harry Potter and who would you like to play if you were in the movie?

Did you ever have to giggle when you´re singing "it´s not a new statement , it´s not a new trend"? (random question *lol*)

what´s your favourite part of the show?

If you could choose to be in any musical you'd like, which musical would it be and why?

x Anika x

Anonymous said...


Can I just ask you ...

What does it feel like, when you're eating Reese's Puffs ?


Anonymous said...

So many questions, which one to choose.

I know, a question that many of the regular fans of the show would love to ask but never dare.

Actually, forget that. Here goes. Did you ever think that an empty cereal bowl would cause so much interest? Of course, the fitting end of your UK Billy run would be for you to go out for Reese's Puffs rather than Sugar Puffs in the scene before Angry Dance! In fact, I am willing to donate £250 to charity for you to do it. I will even email proof of the donation.

Anonymous said...

What's the strangest thing that's happened to you since you started with 'Billy'? (The thing that you still wake up in the middle of the night and wonder 'did that really happen?')

Anonymous said...


What's the question that you really hoped someone would ask but noone has?


Anonymous said...

While practicing Swan Lake have you evergot stuck on the harness?

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent

How is the schedule for the Billys, Michaels and Debbies decided and who decides who goes on when? Someone told me it is worked out at least six weeks in advance. Seven weeks ago he said Josh would be Billy on the evening of 31st May, and he was!


Anonymous said...

Trent, what is your favorite thing to do in and around London on your days off from BETM?

Anonymous said...

do you ever get dizzy after you spin in your dances?

when we saw you in billy elliot, I was amazed at how you could spin (and go up on the rope thing) and then stop without stumbling over!

how do you do it!?



Anonymous said...

WEBKINZ!what the heck is a webkinz?

Anonymous said...

I love webkinz soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

Anonymous said...

I love all webkinz!

Anonymous said...

I have seen the polariods being taken in express yourself and they all are real, where do they go? Who keeps them? there must be over a thousand since the show started.

And has there ever been no film inside the camera? What did you do?

Anonymous said...

Wow Trent a ton of people have left you comments! You are so popular!

What was it like to work with such famous artists such as Elton John?!

Is every show different? I am an actress myself, and there is always one tiny mistake that happens, but i was just wondering if the same thing happens on broadway! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Woah! You have got alot of questions to choose from! I will just add in another....

Which is your favourite dance from Billy Elliot??

Anonymous said...

*Woooooo - 100th question!!* - i think.

What has been the best thing you have done with the Billy Elliot gang outside the musical?? x

Anonymous said...

100 questions....what have you got yourself into :P

Oh and good luck for the future. Never got to see you as billy and never will, wish i could go to your leaving night...omg that's friday :S

Knock em dead :P

Hope..again lol

sleepylins said...

how hard is it, not to laugh when you are performing with shaun malone,(especially when he is very giddy)?he is a very funy guy.and what do you do if you ever get the giggles when on stage?

Anonymous said...


I was always wondering, when dad is played by David Bardsley and you are at the auditions at Royal Ballet School, they ask you if you have any questions. All the Billys whisper something to David's ear for quite a long time. I wanted to know if you just pretend to whisper or if you sometimes whisper something funny into David's ear to make him laugh.

I also join the other in asking you to describe a bit what it looks like under the stage.

Please, pick my questions, you were my first Billy so I must be somehow special to you. (all right doesn't make much sense) :D


sleepylins said...

have you signed a deal,with reeses yet,for all the free publicity you have given them.

Anonymous said...

What do you do in your spare time while you're off stage?
105 questions

Also, do you speak spanish?

/Welsh Higgenson/

SophiiBaybee-x said...

I know i said the last question was going to be the last one but i though of ANOTHER question (ARGH! He says). Which is harder, leaving your friends here in England or opening on Broadway? is a quick one.
Good luck on your final show!
Sophii x

Anonymous said...

Do you ever wish that you could get a cool BILLY shirt instead of the white with black text one? You know, a totally blingin' one?

Also do you think they will continue to give you pre-show massages at the Imperial?

andy said...

Seeing as the Broadway Billy doesn't start for a few months yet why are you leaving the London show so early? What will you be doing until the new show starts-will you be having loads of rehearsals for the Broadway version or just having a bit of time to 'chill out' back home??
I've seen you as Billy 4 times now and each time you've been amazing-thanks.

Anonymous said...

Can you not stay to do Billy Elliot a few more times in London before you go? Please???!

Sean Patrick Brennan said...

Dear Trent,

Besides Billy Elliot, what other major Broadway/West End role would you love to play some day?

Sean from Long Island (who's going October 1st with the BETM forum)

Anonymous said...

Did you know oliver Taylor?

LotteBabyyX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LotteBabyyX said...

Hi Trent,
Now that your Billy Elliot do people always notice you in the street and places? How has it changed your life playing Billy?
Love Lotte (form Haywards Heath [just south of london and just north of brighton] England)

Anonymous said...

Hey trent
Hope your last show went well, wish I could have been there.

I just wondered if you are ever waiting to go on the stage, or listening to someone do their lines, and can't remember what yours are. If so, how do you cope , do you panic, cos I did a dance show, and before i went on I was convinced I had forgotten everything

P.S. Sorry for shouting good luck to you earlier at the stage door, think I might have embarassed you!!

Anonymous said...


It's Carly and Jacqui!☺♥♥♥♥

we have a question that you will HOPEFULLY pick! <3

What will you miss about London the most and being Billy Elliot there, and what will you be most excited about when you come back to NEW YORK!

CARLY and JACQUI!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Trent.
Were you inspired by the film to audition for the role of Billy?
If before then you hadn't seen the film. How did you hear about the audition?


Anonymous said...


What was the highpoint for you of your final London show last night?

What memories of that show will you take back with you to New York?


Anonymous said...

I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make another post. now.

Anonymous said...

Heeey Trent :)

Hope your last show in London went well !!!

Did you know Shaun was going to say those things such as "oi broadway boi" or did they come as a complete suprise?

What are you most looking forward to once your back in NY?

I never saw you in London :( but hopefully i'll see you in NY. Fingers crossed!

All the best Trent

Love C xxx

Anonymous said...

I think this is the 120th question u will have had to read!

I never got to see u as Billy, so I am sad now u r going to NY, cause I dont think i will be able to see you as Billy there :(

My Question:
Where there any surprises for you on your last show?? What was the best bit??


Anonymous said...

Hi Trent.. At school we have to reasearch someone famous, I choose you becuase your like the best at Billy Elliot. I was woundering do you have any brothers and sisters? Also whats the best part of Billy Elliot for you? Many Thanks Danii xx

Anonymous said...

Its Carly!
i just wanted to congradulate you since everyone said your last show was AMAZING![as always]


Anonymous said...

Well Carly I can tell you that everyone was right! I was there at his last London show last night and he was great!

My question:
Are the jokes the same in NY? Perhaps in NY not everybody knows who Maggy Tathcer is?

Have fun in NY and thanks for your great performance yesterday.


Anonymous said...


any chance you could stay in London?? :)

Anonymous said...

At the end of the last scene when you said See ya Shaun, what did Shaun reply?

Anonymous said...


In your leaving show, after you said "See ya Shaun." What did Shaun reply?

Anonymous said...


In your leaving show, you say See ya Shaun. What does Shaun say in reply?

Anonymous said...


In the leaving show, you said see ya Shaun. What was his reply?

Anonymous said...

can you answer your questions as a video with david alvarez and/or kiril! id love to see you boys together

Anonymous said...

130th question!!

woah u have got a lota questions to read!

Mine is:

Will you ever come back to London to be Billy in the West End again?

Anonymous said...

How long did it take you to read all those questions?

Anonymous said...

hey trent!

my question: when are we going to play Egyptian Ratscrew again??

and we are hoping to go to BETM sometime this fall.
miss you!

all your cousins in aspen:
anna sarah and maria

Anonymous said...

hey trent my question is who has been /is your favorite billy to watch (when you have been under studying) and what are the other billys like to live with, do they have any annoying habbits also (i know its like my 3rd question sorry) who is your favorite michael to perform with???

LotteBabyyX said...

Heeeyyyyyy Trent,
We all LOVVVVVEEE ♥ ♥ ♥ Your Dancing. Sooooo.....
Will you ever come back to London? And if you do will you make a post in advance so we all no because everyone questioning wants to know and since were pretty much all....from England?
Oh and i really wish you could do one of my many watched Billy shows (19th July Sat.) wont be the same without you :D
Love You X
Miss You ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent!

Do you thank your advisor Mr. Von Bargen every night after every performance? He told you that you should if you ever get famous.

Thanks!!!! :P

Isabella S.
(From your advisory)

Anonymous said...

When you are the standby at the show, what do you do? Do you just hang out in a room backstage with the other standbys, or do you watch the show from the side?

Anonymous said...


im not sure if u meba him but do u memba max he was 1 of the top 5 but just got to dere????

wots the best thing in billy elliot 4 u???

how was yr last nite show??? i seen 1 of de ova 1s not the last 1 lol


Georgi said...

Did anyone use to play tricks on eachother whilst staying in the billy house? if so what?
(think this is a tad late, sorry)


Anonymous said...

do your parents push you at all
do you have a stage mom?

or are you a complete natural?

Anonymous said...


LotteBabyyX said...


In Billy Elliot do you ever feel uncomfortable about doing any of the bits in the show eg. the songs, the costumes, the language, the cast?

Also Which part of the show do you feel for you is closest to heart?

Please pick mine X

Lotte, London X

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,
I am asking these questions on behalf of Drew (small boy at your leavers show).
What is it like at Billy school? How long where you there for? How did it feel being away from home?
He would LOVE to be a Billy when he is old enough x x

brighteyes said...

Hi Trent, asking questions on behalf of Drew (small boy at your leavers show).

Can you give me any tips that would help me to get the part of Billy when I am older. I really want to be Billy!!

*Taps foot repeatedly*
*Eats a bowl of Reeses Puffs (OK so it is really a bowl of rice krispies)*
*Crosses fingers, toes and anything else possible while we wait to see if our question will be answered*

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,
Another question from us, we always wonder what the'Billys' bring to the theater with them in those big bags!
Every time we see Billys arrive they have a very large bag in tow but none of the other characters do???????
*Taps foot (but not as fast as you)
*Eats a bowl of sugar puffs.
*Looks inside the bag and sees.....

Sarah and Drew

Anonymous said...

What goes through your head when you are dancing the angry dance?

Georgi said...

1. Have you ever burst out laughing whilst on stage and couldn't stop? If so, what about?

2. When you are flying during Swan Lake, has it ever gone wrong and what does it feel like 'flying'
Thankyou :]

Georgi xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent,

I know this is rather late, but seeing you and Kiril eating tacos in one of your recent photos I've always wondered if you all have to follow a special diet during your time with the show. What would a typical days food be and is there anything you're not allowed to eat(!)? Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Trent I love you! I am obsessed with the Billy Elliot Music! I am going to see the show for the first time on October 9 in NY (78 days away!) I cried when we ordered the tickets Im so Excited! I hope i see you there because I love all of the Billys but you are my favo(u)rite. Do you know if the show is coming to Chicago soon? Because if it is I might take my friends next summer for my birthday. This year I saw Wicked for the fourth time. Good Luck with Everything!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is probably the most rediculous question in the world but i'll go for it anyway. What are tacos? I'm honestly really not stupid, just English :)
Mini Mannequin ox.

Anonymous said...

Hi Trent..
Do you go to Inishfree Dancing School cause I do. I do Irish Dancing too, i love it. What's your favorite dance to do in Irish Dancing??? You're an amazing dancer, cool website I hope you pick mine comment, please pick it. Thanks so much. Bye,

Anonymous said...

Trent, what is the most difficult part of the show for you, the part you are always glad when it is over for another performance?

I know Billy has 8 scheduled shows each week. If you could pick your own schedule, how many times would you like to play Billy each week? How many times would you feel comfortable doing it before you would tire?

Anonymous said...

Do you have an IM?

Anonymous said...

do u hav a girlfriend? and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! YAY
p.s. my friendz and i wanted to send u a b-day card but we dont hav ur address?! or #####! neway i think ur an awesome dancere and i hope to see u soon!
I LUV U!!!
p.s. we also live in long island! hope to see u!

Anonymous said...

HI Trent!
I have seen Billy Elliot about 5 times and you have been the billy every time (i even traveled to england to see you!) when you dance it inspires me to dance! i also saw layton perform in london! and wowo hes amazing! it sux that hes off BI now........:( neway im 13 and i liv in LI my names kaitline and i luv dancing and acting! pretty soon im goin to a audition for Gypsy! yay wish me luck! so my ques. is do u hav a gf? b/c i reali hav a crush on u!

Anonymous said...

hi trent!!! hihhihihihihih im katherine!!!! and ahhhhhh i just saw ur show it was awesome and now i hav ur auotgraph 2!!! yayayayayayayay AWESOME! i just luv the word aweomse dont u! im mean i could say it all day awesome aweomse AWESOME!!!!!! yayayayayaay lalalallaallalalala i luv to sing hipefully one day i can be on broadway lik u! ugh i would LOVE that yayay imagine us on broadway?! how kewl would that be??//???!!!! and i also saw kiril and david dance and theyre awesome! AWESOME I TELL U! yayayayayyayaya llalalallalallalala LA LA LA! bye bye! toota-lu! l8tr alligator ttyl goodbye!

Anonymous said...

hey i hav a ques. how did u get other people to support ur desicion to dance? wat was ur inspiration? and wat do u do to not let other boys pressure u into forgetting ur dream?
from- a soon to be broadway brilliant!

Anonymous said...

hey trent im a big fan BIG FAN! hope u break a leg tonight!!!(in show biz that means good luck! i hope u knew that!!!!!! if u didnt go buy the best broadway things for dummies! its one of the best books ive eva read!) so neway just wanted to say hi! so HI!

Anonymous said...

hey trent wats up
im katie( dont log off!) lol i read some of ur other blogs and theyre pretty intense! haha im turning 14 on feb.22 so thats tmrw! im so excited!!yay and i live in LI too so apparently we hav a lot in common lol!
i think ur dancing is reali kewl! and actually my friend Ally is on broadway in chitty-chitty bang-bang! ahhhh srry that my message is so long! so my ques. Is how do u keep ur life so normal? i mean ino that ur still the 14 year old that goes to skool and stuff but how do u balance both livs? hope u pick my ques.! good luck in broadway!

Anonymous said...

yo im julia and i just wanted to know dog if u r in billy elliot? b/c it's a kewl musical? l8tr dude see u@ the skate park! l8tr
bye from julios

Anonymous said...

hihihihih yo wat is up in the hizz house? wat up? hello? hihihihih wats up?my questional is wat do u lik about ddancing? is it the pretty outfits? or the way u feel? the rush that swallows u whole when u start to dance? ive always wanted to dance but apparently my friends say im to tall? so i was just wondering how does it feel?

Anonymous said...

Hey. It's Ali. I have a MaJoR question. I've been a dancer all my life and pretty much know your life 'in a non-stalker way' haha. but i have one question. What was your favorite part of touring? I've been on MANY tours and i love hanging with friends in the bus. I was just wondering what yours was. Thanks.
p.s. every1's leaving 'tries to find reese's puffs' at the end of their commentss, but i always have them right next to me. haha. thanks. replyy.


catiana said...


what's your favorite part of being Billy?
